what you can do

Property management at your fingertips


Access all your property's and tenant's information, accounts, maintenance requests and operations from any device through the app.


Get customized notifications on your mobile device whenever there is a need or for specified reasons, for example, unpaid units after the due date.


Respond, approve and assign maintenance requests or top-level management issues on the fly.


Enjoy cross-platform and multi-devices devices use. Anything you do on any mobile device automatically updates the whole system.


Take photos of maintenance issues or evidence as well as carry out your property inspections and take photos with your mobile device straight from the App.


Approve marketing of your vacant units, manage rental applications and leasing on the fly.
what your tenant can do

All made with love for
you and your tenant

We developed one App that works for you and your tenants to give your tenant full automation, awesome experience and convenience. Through the App, the tenant is able to:

  • view vacant property units and make rental applications requests
  • review, sign and renew lease agreements
  • pay rent and all other charges
  • receive detailed automated monthly invoices on email
  • receive automated receipts on email for each payment
  • track their payment history and generate reports
  • send maintenance requests
  • report issues and communicate with management team
  • receive communication, notifications from the management

what your tenants can do

Rental services at tenant's fingertips


Make payments, access all tenancy and leasing information, view accounts, send maintenance requests from any mobile device through the app.


Get customized notifications and automated reminders such as rental payment due date, lease expiry notification.


Send, respond and track maintenance requests or issues regarding your unit on the fly.


Enjoy cross-platform and device use. Anything you do on any mobile device automatically updates the whole system.


Take and upload photos of maintenance issues for fast resolving and payment slips with your mobile device straight on the App.

Property search

Search and discover for vacant properties and unit, send rental applications and sign lease agreements on the spot.
app screenshots

Creative property App

Letting you manage your property and accounts on any
mobile device.